第12回 研究会

日 時2011年12月17日(土)14:00〜
会 場 中央大学 後楽園キャンパス 6号館 4階 6410号室

講演題目A Nonlinear Control Policy Using Kernel Method for Dynamic Asset Allocation
本発表では, 非線形制御ポリシーを用いて多期間にわたる動的な資産配分を決定する最適化問題を
定式化し, 問題求解のための計算手法を提案する.
ここで, 制御ポリシーとは投資対象資産の過去の収益の関数である.
カーネル法を利用することで, 非線形関数の中から最適な制御ポリシーを選択する問題は
さらに, L1-ノルムを用いた正則化を利用することで問題を線形最適化問題に帰着する.
計算実験では, 投資対象資産の収益率のシナリオを1期間自己回帰モデルによって生成し,

講演者田中 勇真氏(名古屋大学)
講演題目Lagrangian-based column generation for the node capacitated in-tree packing problem
In this paper, we deal with the node capacitated in-tree packing problem. The input consists of
a directed graph, a root node, a node capacity function and edge consumption functions for heads and tails.
The problem is to find a subset of rooted spanning in-trees and their packing numbers, where the packing
number of an in-tree is the number of times it is packed, so as to maximize the sum of packing numbers
under the constraint that the total consumption of the packed in-trees at each node does not exceed the
capacity of the node. This problem is known to be NP-hard.
Previously, we proposed a two-phase heuristic algorithm for this problem. The algorithm generates
promising candidate in-trees to be packed in the first phase and computes the packing number of each in-tree
in the second phase. In this paper, we improve the first phase algorithm by using Lagrangian relaxation
instead of LP (linear programming) relaxation.
We conducted computational experiments on graphs used in related papers and on randomly generated
instances. The results indicate that our new algorithm generates in-trees faster than our previous algorithm
and obtains better solutions than existing algorithms without generating many in-trees.


主査 藤澤克樹 (中央大学)
幹事 後藤順哉 (中央大学)

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